[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Connect with a professional tutor – a real live human – for one-on-one, on- demand help with school work, writing a paper, preparing for a test, practicing skills, math problems, advanced placement, college entrance, and graduate level exams, finding a job, and so much more. All with your Lee Memorial Library card!
Here’s how it works. FOLLOW THE LINK HERE to reach Brainfuse.com. Be connected with a fully vetted, subject and grade level tutor year-round from 2:00PM – 11:00PM. Or access other educational and study resources 24/7. Take advantage of the power of your Lee Memorial Library card!
What does the service provide?
- 1:1 online, on-demand connections with fully-vetted and qualified expert tutors and career coaches in over 100+ subjects and test prep areas, available 361 days a year from 2:00PM – 9:00PM;
- 24/7 Help with writing assignments, cover letters, resumes and math questions;
- Proprietary video lessons for math and English Language Arts fundamentals;
- Practice exams math, science, history and English;
- Access to thousands of proprietary and third-party educational and career resources curated for easy access; and,
- Optional personalized accounts for access to session history, score reports, favorite tutors and more.
The service is accessed at https://landing.brainfuse.com/index.asp?u=main.ALLENDALE.hn.nj.brainfuse.com
Simply create a user name and password along with your library card number to take advantage of the offering.