Turn Dreams into Reality @ your library, HelpNow and JobNow can help make your dreams come true!
by Lauren
Turn Dreams into Reality @ your library, HelpNow and JobNow can help make your dreams come true! Use the reading section of SkillSurfer to strengthen their comprehension skills. They can also help turn their dreams into reality by using many other of the services offered. CollegeNow can help simplify the college application process. You can even prepare for standardized tests in SkillSurfer. LEAP helps you build academic skills through targeted lessons, quizzes, and live, online tutoring. LEAP creates your learning plan based on a skills assessment that you take at the beginning of the course. To begin learning, click on the link to one of the courses assigned to you in the “Pending Courses” section below. You can also click a completed course to review your work.
Have teens looking for a job? They can check out JobNow for resources and resume assistance. Encourage them to look at the new eParachute section which helps users determine career paths that fit with the skills and types of people they enjoy working with. After they complete all the steps, they can even see suggested college majors and available positions. In order to help celebrate, we created an image you can share with your teens on your social media, blog, etc.