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Virtual Learning Opportunities


Our digital resources present the perfect opportunity to learn a new language or skill or to become well-versed in a new subject area. No matter what you’re interested in, we speak your language – and we have something for you. Here are a few of the ways you can learn from home.

Language Learning:

Rocket Languages
Rocket Languages is an award-winning online language-learning system. Queens Public Library cardholders can use this interactive website to learn conversational language at their own pace. Customers can stream content from the website or download content for easy access on all MP3 compatible devices. Available languages include Spanish (Latin American), Arabic, French, German, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, English, English (Spanish Speakers), English (Japanese Speakers), and American Sign Language.

Transparent Language Online
Research-based and experience-driven, Transparent Language Online is a language-learning program that provides an effective, fun, and engaging experience for language learners of all levels. Combining top-of-the-line courses with lots of great, supplemental resources for over 90 languages, plus ESOL courses for speakers of many languages, Transparent Language Online is the ultimate language-learning system. Queens Public Library cardholders can access it using a computer, tablet, or smartphone by downloading the Transparent Language app.

The Great Courses:

This series on RBDigital introduces Queens Public Library cardholders to topics in areas including economics and finance, food and winehealth, fitness, and nutritionhistoryhobby and leisure such as genealogy and photographyliterature and language, mathematics, music and fine arts, philosophyprofessional and personal developmentscience, and travel. These multi-lecture courses are taught by experts and can be watched at your own pace. Dive in and learn something new!


Try Brainfuse HelpNow for live online tutoring for all ages. Brainfuse provides free, on-demand, easy, and engaging eLearning for all levels. HelpNow’s features include:

  • Homework Help: Interact with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests
  • 24-Hour Writing Lab: Submit essays and other forms of writing for constructive feedback.
  • Homework Send Question: Submit your homework questions for expert guidance.
  • Adult Learning Center: Access a library of rich adult learning content (GED) and live, professional assistance in resume/cover letter writing, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more.
  • Foreign Language Lab/Spanish-Speaking Support


Cell-Ed lets adults acquire literacy, language, and workforce-ready skills for free on their own time. With Cell-Ed, your cell phone becomes your teacher. You can study anytime on your phone, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, with 3–5 minute lessons; complete courses in 5–20 hours; and talk and text with a coach when you need help. Cell-Ed courses include:

  • English on the Go: Choose from high beginner to advanced levels (and beginner levels for Spanish speakers)
  • Work Ready: Gain key skills from applying for a job to communicating effectively at work.
  • Civics and Citizenship: Learn how to apply for and pass the U.S. naturalization exam.
  • Skill Builder: Improve reading, writing, social studies, and math skills.

Cell-Ed is generously funded by the Thomas and Jeanne Elmezzi Foundation.

Additional Free Resources:

BBC Languages
BBC Languages provides an excellent language-learning resource for the general public at no cost and includes 40 languages. This is an archived website, so content is not updated, but it is still very useful for language learning.

Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. The website and app offer 85 different language courses in 24 languages.

Technology Skills:

Try these free online tutorials to learn new technology skills. Get comfortable with computers and much more in these interactive experiences.

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