So much to explore at home or at the City’s public WiFi locations
24/7, the Library’s digital materials are here for you!
Many of these items are available online or through free apps. All use your Round Rock Public Library card as your login.
Find explanations and video walk-throughs on our eBooks and eAudiobooks page.
Popular digital resources:
- Explore this large collection of downloadable eComic books, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines.
- The library was able to secure rights that allow many of our children’s eAudiobooks to have multiple users at the same time.
- For the best experience, download the RB Digital app from your favorite app store.
- RRPL’s collection of downloadable eBooks has titles for little kids, for beginning readers, for middle-grade and teen readers, and adults.
- For the best reading experience, download the Libby app from your favorite app store.
- Kids in grades K – 6 have even more online resources when you use TumbleBooks.
- The more than 1100 titles include:
- Animated, talking picture books,
- Read-along chapter books,
- National Geographic videos,
- Non-fiction books,
- Playlists on topics of high interest,
- Spanish and French books, and
- Graphic novels
- Enjoy the convenience of the TumbleBooks app—find it at your favorite app store.
- Get online tutoring for students in grades K-12 and also adult learners. Students communicate with live tutors using an interactive whiteboard to chat, write, draw, copy/paste text or images and graph homework problems.
- Enjoy the convenience of the Brainfuse app—find it at your favorite app store
- Explore our collection of Spanish-language eBooks.
- Enjoy the convenience of the Odilo app—find it at your favorite app store.
- Learn a new language—there are 70 to choose from! Lessons adapt to your learning style, so you can pick up on vocabulary, intuit unfamiliar grammatical structures, and train your pronunciation, all while boosting your cultural IQ.
- Enjoy the convenience of the Mango app—find it at your favorite app store.
- Access the entire catalog of Sony Music Entertainment artists. Library cardholders can stream music, enjoy topical playlists, and download five songs a week to keep. Freegal works with any MP3 device, including iPods.
- Enjoy the convenience of the Freegal app—find it at your favorite app store.
Dig into our huge collection of online research materials and find everything from book recommendations to business tools to legal documents and research journals.
Internet Access:
- RRTX WiFi is a service provided by the City of Round Rock offering residents and visitors to our community access to high-speed wireless Internet in select locations.
- See the map and learn more.