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7 Not-so-Hidden Treasures for Kids on the Toronto Public Library Website


There are tons of hidden treasures at the Toronto Public Library. Let’s go on a little virtual scavenger hunt on our website to learn something new about the library. Come along and browse different areas of our website with your family or students — you just might learn something new! You can tell us what your discovered in the comments section at the end.

Let’s get started!



Have you heard of Brainfuse? It provides online homework help for students in grades K-12 everyday from 2 pm to 11 pm. Brainfuse has practice tests, writing assistance and more. Students communicate with tutors using an interactive whiteboard to write, draw, copy and paste text or images relating to homework problems.


Q: What subjects can tutors help you with on Brainfuse?

A: Find the answer here!



In the fall, children ages 13 and under can enter TPL’s annual Design-A-Bookmark Contest! Children can submit a design and have the chance for their bookmark to be published.


Q: How many winners do we select each year?

A: Find the answer here!


IBBY Collection

The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) is an international network of people who are committed to bringing children and books together. One project, the IBBY Collection for Young People with Disabilities, has over 4000 titles in 40 languages with items in specialized book formats such as Braille, PCS and Sign Language.

IBBY Collection

Q: Where is the IBBY collection located?

A:  Find the answer here!


Osborne Collection

Toronto Public Library has a special collection of books called the Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books. The Osborne Collection includes books, book-related art, toys and games from long ago. The Osborne Collection has items from before 1910. That means it has books that are over 110 years old!

Osborne Collection

Q: How old is the oldest item is in the Osborne Collection?

A: It’s very, very old. You can find the answer here!


Summer Wonder

Summer Wonder is Toronto Public Library’s series of summer programs for kids. From learning to draw, weekly creativity challengesmagic shows and author talks — there is something for everyone! Our Creative Arts programs should keep those crafty hands busy all summer long. With comic artists and nature explorers showing us fun ways to stay creative, let the Toronto Public Library help you discover your sense of play this summer!

Summer Wonder

Q: How many different Creative Arts programs do we have?

A: Find the answer here!


TD Summer Reading Club

The TD Summer Reading Club is Canada’s national bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages. The Club celebrates Canadian authors, illustrators and stories, and inspires kids to explore the fun of reading their way.

Kids can create an online notebook, vote in the Battle of the Booksrecommend books and much more!

TDSRC cartoon of kid reading while parachuting

Q: In 2018, the highest number of kids EVER registered for the Summer Reading Club. Can you guess how many?

A: It’s a big number! Find the answer here.


Wonder Wall

What questions keep you up at night? Do you ever wonder about who invented video games? Or why peppers are spicy? I love nature and animals, and was really amazed to learn about why flamingos are pink. You can find the answers to these questions and more on the Wonder Wall. While you’re visiting TPL Kids, share a joke or riddle and take a fun poll!

Wonder Wall

Q: What is the wonder of the week?

A: We hope it helps you learn something new! Find it here.


I hope you learned something new about all the amazing resources we have at Toronto Public Library! Just like when you walk into a branch and discover something new on the shelf or on display, there is so much to discover on our website, too.

If you discovered any of the seven treasures of Toronto Public Library, please share your answers in the comments below and tell us which one is your favourite!

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