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Make the Library Part of Your Back to School Plan!

It’s that time of year again – time to head back to school! It may seem overwhelming, but the Library has great resources to help you get back into a learning frame of mind!

Make the Library Part of Your Back to School Plan!

by Julia

It’s that time of year again – time to head back to school! It may seem overwhelming, but the Library has great resources to help you get back into a learning frame of mind!

Library Card

First things first, you’ll need to get a library card! With your library card you can check out all kinds of materials – including the newest chapter books for book reports, non-fiction for different projects, DVDs, magazines, audiobooks, music, and more – all for free with your library card! This should be #1 on your back to school list!

Online Tutoring

Don’t fall behind! Start out strong this school year with help from Brainfuse online tutors! Brainfuse offers tutoring online from real, live tutors for Kindergarten students through adult learners! Tutoring subjects include math, science, social studies, and English. Check out Brainfuse HelpNow, which can be found under Online Resources on our Kids page. To use these online resources at home, you will need your Deerfield Public Library card to login.

Other Online Resources

Need to do some research at home? Check out our other online resources, including Grolier Encyclopedia, Novelist, and TrueFlix. We also have a list of helpful links – from style guides to study guides!

Study Rooms

If you’re having trouble concentrating at home, come to the library and use a study room! There are 8 study rooms available (2 in the Youth Department and 6 in the Adult Services Department) on a first-come-first-served basis, which can be used for up to two hours at a time.


Is “back to school” time bringing you the blues? Check out our event calendar to sign up for exciting, upcoming programs to help get you energized! Play Minecraft, invent with Makey Makeys, chill out with yoga, check out a performance, or build with KiDLS – we have something for everyone!

Parent/Teacher Resources

Parents – we know you have a lot on your plates with getting your child ready to go back to school, so we want to help you in any way we can! On our website we offer back to school resources to help your student start off the school year successfully, as well as links to free worksheets and other printables to help keep your child on track!

Special Needs

Do you have a child with special needs? The library is an open and welcoming place for children of all abilities! Check out our upcoming events for new programs (including Sensory Storytime), which will provide fun and socialization for your child!


Last, but not least, don’t forget to talk to your local librarians. We are here to help and there is no question too big or too small – we are up for the challenge, and we hope you are too! Add the library to your weekly routine for some extra help, or just for fun!

When you come in, be sure to check out our local history display (located on the wall between the cafe and vending area), where you will find a fun look at “Back to School Through the Years with O*YAD”, the Deerfield High School Yearbook.

Good luck and have a great school year! We hope to see you at the library soon!

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