The Eva K. Bowlby Public Library in Waynesburg is launching the BrainFuse eLearning Suite, an online resource for homework and academic assistance for kindergarten students up to adult learners.
by Gim McNutt/Observer-Reporter
WAYNESBURG – The Eva K. Bowlby Public Library in Waynesburg is launching the BrainFuse eLearning Suite, an online resource for homework and academic assistance for kindergarten students up to adult learners.
The entire suite of learning tools, which includes “HelpNow” and “StudyNow” resources, is available to all patrons using the library’s public computers. Anyone with a valid library card number can also access the resources online from their home, school or business computer.
BrainFuse is available seven days a week, and any library cardholder can access the services and connect for a one-to-one live session with a carefully screened tutor. Live sessions can be conducted in English or Spanish.
“We are thrilled to be able to offer such a high quality and valuable learning tool just at the time that our patrons need it most,” Bowlby Library Director Kathy McClure said. “With students in grades K-through-12 going back to our county’s elementary, middle and high schools and more adults than ever returning to the classroom to acquire or update job skills, the library’s goal is to be well positioned to support all of their academic and career-related goals.”
The BrainFuse full-service test center offers practice tests for all grade levels in math, reading, and writing including the SAT, ACT, GED and more. To access BrainFuse, go to and click on the “BrainFuse” tab.
“HelpNow” provides library patrons with live homework help and state-aligned skills building lessons from expert tutors as well as a 24-hour writing lab and access to a robust test center. Tutors and students communicate in real time in an online classroom by typing, drawing and marking up lessons and web content. Subjects include math, science, English, social studies and Spanish.
Students can use a secure file-sharing feature in the writing lab to submit assignments to instructors at any time.
Writing tutors will return the file with extensive, detailed comments within 24 hours. These writing experts are trained to help students focus on voice, word choice, grammar, content, sentence fluency, and organization.
“StudyNow” is an advanced suite of collaborative and self-study tools comprised of three parts: Brainwave, Flashbulb and Meet. Brainwave is a messaging tool that allows comments and explanations to be recorded on the BrainFuse Notepad, which then archives them for future use, and allows them to be shared with others. Brainwave is ideal for teaching or learning any concept that requires motion, sequence, or animation.
Flashbulb is an online flashcard tool that allows students to browse through an extensive library of pre-made flashcards – each of which can then be turned into a hangman game, crossword puzzle, or word scramble, among many other options. Users can also to create their own flashcards.
The Meet feature allows the set-up of live tutoring sessions in the BrainFuse online classroom with friends, colleagues, teachers, etc. Groups can use the advanced communication tools to study together, collaborate on projects, and even record sessions for future playback.
For more information about these or any other library services, visit the Bowlby Library, go online to or call 724-627-9776.