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Brainfuse Arlington

Brainfuse is a service for Arlington students in grades 7-12. All students can access the service at any Arlington Public Library location.

Metroplex Online Resources

by Metroplex Online Resources

Brainfuse is a service for Arlington students in grades 7-12. All students can access the service at any Arlington Public Library location. Arlington ISD students can access the service from home with an Arlington library card or student ID. You can get tutoring without a Brainfuse account. To access all Brainfuse features, please create a separate Brainfuse account. Tutors are available Every day, 2 to 11 p.m. Central Standard Time. Live tutors in: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Elementary Science, Middle School Science, Elementary Math, Middle School Math, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Pre-Algebra, Precalculus, Calculus, Reading, Spanish, Writing, AP Tests, SAT, ACT, Accuplacer, and Compass.


What you can find on Brainfuse

Receive Instant Tutoring and interact with a live tutor.
Submit Your Writing to our Online Writing Lab for a review.
Submit a Question and receive a reply from a tutor.
Access Skills Building & Test Prep in core subjects, college readiness (including Accuplacer and Compass), SAT, ACT and AP Tests.
Create your own flashcards and online quizzes/games to reinforce classroom learning.
Form online study groups or schedule live sessions with peers/ instructors using the Meet collaborative whiteboard (audio capable).
Record and email video-like notes on the Brainfuse whiteboard.

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