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Brainfuse Live Homework Help

Expert tutors will be available daily from 2:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. to assist students in grades K-12 with Math, Science, Social Studies, English, SAT/ACT Prep and more.

Chattahoochee Valley Libraries

by twilson

Need Homework Help? Connect With a Live Tutor Free of Charge.
The Chattahoochee Valley Libraries is now offering live online homework help powered by Brainfuse. Expert tutors will be available daily from 2:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. to assist students in grades K-12 with Math, Science, Social Studies, English, SAT/ACT Prep and more.

Students can communicate with live tutors using an interactive whiteboard to chat, write, draw, copy/paste text or images, and graph homework problems. Sessions can be recorded and replayed with classmates and teachers.

Anytime of day, you can upload a writing assignment for feedback, form an online study group, create flash cards, and create and share movie-like notes.

If you are outside of the library, you will be asked to enter your library card information. On the go? No problem. Download Brainfuse from Google Play (for Android devices) or the iTunes App Store (for iOS devices) It’s FREE!

Get Started With Brainfuse

If you are accessing Brainfuse for the first time you many need to update java for the interactive whiteboard.

Java needs your permission to run
Step 1. Choose always run on this site

Do you want to run this application – Brainfuse WebConnect
Step 2. Choose Run

Loading may take a few minutes for the first session.

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