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One-to-One Online Tutoring for all New Jersey Residents Via the Library


Before his passing, Robert Slavin, a renowned education researcher at Johns Hopkins University, argued that tutoring would be an effective strategy to help students catch up with grade-level expectations due to COVID-19 closures. However, private tutoring can be difficult to obtain and expensive for most families. This isn’t the case for residents of New Jersey thanks to funding provided by the New Jersey State Public Library!

All New Jersey students have access to Brainfuse HelpNow, a free online tutoring service. This service, funded by the New Jersey State Public Library, is available through all New Jersey libraries and can be accessed through this link: https://home.brainfuse.com/new-jersey/. Among other tools, all New Jersey library cardholders have free access to:

  • live expert tutors in many subjects every day from 2:00 pm – 11:00 pm
  • practice tests, flashcards, and other study tools
  • professional feedback on all types of writing

For more information and to get your child started today – visit  https://home.brainfuse.com/new-jersey/.

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