[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Students in grades K-12 and adult learners can get online help with math, reading, writing, science and social studies at Rock County libraries.
The county’s seven libraries, including Hedberg Public Library, are partnering with Brainfuse, an online tutoring provider that serves libraries, school districts and colleges and universities nationwide.
Brainfuse tutoring is available to anyone who has a library card from SHARE Consortium libraries, which are located in Rock, Racine, Kenosha and Walworth counties, said a Arrowhead Library System spokesperson.
Online tutoring will be offered in several forms.
Virtual tutors will be available daily from 1 to 10 p.m. To communicate with tutors, students use an interactive, virtual whiteboard to chat, write, draw, copy/paste text or images, and graph homework problems. After taking quizzes, students can connect with a tutor to review them. All live tutoring sessions are saved and can be replayed.
To receive help without connecting with a live tutor, students can use the Writing Lab to submit papers for feedback or Send Question Center for nonwriting assignments.
Students who prefer to work independently can use Brainwave, a recordable whiteboard where they can draw, write and chat and send their work to others for feedback.
Those who want to form their own study groups can use the Brainfuse Meet whiteboard to schedule online sessions.
The Adult Learning Center, through HelpNow, gives adult learners access to high school equivalency degree preparation, U.S. citizenship test preparation, resume help, Microsoft Office support and career resources. The Writing Lab, Send Question Center and Skills Building features are also part of the Adult Learning Center.
The online tool can be accessed via the library’s website or lakeshores.lib .wi.us/brainfuse/login.pl. Access requires a library card and PIN number.
Adams Publishing Group Aug 24, 2020