New year, new ways to use your library card! Did you know that a free Enid Public Library card can help you get 24/7 online book recommendations, anytime genealogy searches, and access to daily Oklahoma news sources? Ring in the new year with these four online resources at EPL!
Book recommendations & book lists
Lately, one of my favorite resources is NoveList. If you’ve never heard of it, NoveList cultivates booklists and recommendations. Lists are based on favorite television shows (like “Ted Lasso” or “The Great British Bake Off”), based on a mood (amusing and intricately plotted or suspenseful and compelling?), or based on genre (Horror, romance, fantasy? Perhaps all three?). The library also offers access to NoveList K-8 Plus for young readers.
Get started at Log in with ENID followed by your 6-digit library card number.
Local & world news
Are you a daily newsreader? Your library card offers access to daily news, including local newspapers such as Enid News & Eagle, The Oklahoman and Tulsa World. Access World News also offers recent editions of other newspapers around the country, such as USA Today and even around the world. Log in to Access World News with your 6-digit library card number to get started.
Learn more on our website at
Genealogy search
Are you looking to learn more about your ancestors? The library now offers HeritageHub! Start searching for ancestors using obituaries compiled from 1704 to today, including obit images. The library also has access to (in-library use only) and Heritage Quest Online (24/7 access!)
Get started at gy-and-local-history.
Find help for test prep, job heads searching and veteran resources
One of my favorite resources the library recently added was access to Brainfuse HelpNow, JobNow and VetNow. Brainfuse includes access to live tutors and coaches, offering one-on-one help with homework assignments, interview practice and guiding veterans as they transition back into the workforce.
Brainfuse also offers feedback on written papers and resumes, links to unemployment information and much more! It’s a one-stop shop for one-on-one help from home. Log in by setting up a free account.
Get started at
Need help accessing any of our online resources? Remember that a librarian is ready to help! Give the library a call at (580) 234-6313.
Malan is communications specialist at Public Library of Enid and Garfield County.