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Missouri State Library announces launch of Brainfuse VetNow

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and the Missouri State Library, a division within his office, announce the launch of Brainfuse VetNow – offering support and guidance to local veterans and their families with services such as navigating Veteran Affairs, providing academic tutoring, even employment transition assistance.

VetNow is available to all Missourians from any computer or mobile device through their local public library. To access VetNow, visit your library’s website or Brainfuse.com to find a link to your local public library.

“Veterans put others before themselves—we offer them a huge debt of gratitude,” said Ashcroft. “We’re happy to partner with a service that provides support and tools for Missouri veterans and their families to reach their life and career goals.”

VetNow includes the following features:

  • Live Online Navigators: These veterans are trained to help their peers connect with valuable benefits and resources that can:
    • Answer questions related to benefits eligibility
    • Refer patrons to applicable community resources for housing, healthcare, and education benefits
    • Assist patrons with locating accredited claims agents
  • Job Tools: Designed to help with all stages of the job-hunting process, the VetNow Job Tools feature career coaching, expert resume assistance, live interview preparation, and more. With Job Tools patrons can:
    • Use the career resources to discover their best career based on education, experience, and personality
    • Search for a job using nationwide and local resources
    • Download templates for the most common resume types
    • Receive resume and cover letter assistance from trained experts
    • Brush up on interview techniques or get live online interview practice from trained job coaches.
  • College Skills: Users build academic skills and prepare for college with VetNow’s array of options, including:
    • Interaction with live tutors in a wide range of college-level subjects
    • Live skills tutoring and an extensive library of lessons, video tutorials, and practice tests including SAT, ACT, TEAS, HESI, GRE, GMAT, and more.

“Libraries are instrumental in providing resources to veterans and their families,” said State Librarian Robin Westphal. “The Missouri State Library is always looking for ways to help libraries better serve their communities. VetNow, with live online navigators that are also veterans, is a way for all libraries in Missouri, to assist veterans.”

The project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

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