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Hasbrouck Heights Library to Begin Offering Tutoring for Students

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, NJ – The Free Public Library of Hasbrouck Heights will begin offering tutoring services and remote assist for guests, it was announced at the Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday night.

Brainfuse is an online tutoring service that offers a numbers of enhanced features. According to Mimi Hui, Director of the Hasbrouck Heights Library, some of its features include: 

  • Homework Help with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests; 24-Hour Writing Lab;  
  • Adult Learning Center Access – a library of rich adult learning content (GED) and live, professional assistance in resume/cover letter writing, U.S.citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series; 
  • Foreign Language Lab /Spanish-Speaking Support, and others.

The library staff will be trained on the resource. Youth Services Librarian-in-Training Maureen Herman will work with the school media specialists to promote this new addition for students and the community. 

During her Director’s Report, Hui explained that parents have called the Library looking for tutors or assistance.

“This is really the way that we’re able to help the demand of our community,” she said. 

In addition, the Library will begin utilizing Remote Assist, software to help staff connect with patrons safely in the library while maintaining social distance. The Bergen County Cooperative Library System helped set this program up on all public and staff PCs. Patrons just need a session code to join. Chat support lets staff interact with patrons with no software for visitors to install. There are no limits to the number of staff users, managed PCs, or sessions. 

Funding for both new resources comes from the CARES Act. The Institute of Museum and Library Services awarded the New Jersey State Library $802,581 in CARES Act funding to expand digital access and provide support services to residents in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. 

TAPinto Hasbrouck Heights/Wood-Ridge/Teterboro is Hasbrouck Heights, Wood-Ridge and Teterboro’s free daily news source, and is the official newspaper of the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education, Hasbrouck Heights Borough Council, and Wood-Ridge Board of Education.

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