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Library launches service for veterans

Santa Barbara Public Library has announced the launch of Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow as part of its Vets Connect @ the Library resources.

The online service supports job seekers, veterans and their families with all stages of job searching, employment transition assistance, navigating the Veterans Administration, preparing for standardized tests and building marketable academic skills.

Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow features live online navigators who connect veterans and families with valuable benefits and resources, answer questions related to benefits eligibility and refer patrons to applicable community resources for housing, health care and education benefits. It also provides job tools including career coaching, expert resume and cover letter templates and assistance, live interview preparation and more.

Learning tools include a library of lessons, video tutorials and practice tests covering GED, SAT, ACT, TEAS, HESI, GRE, GMAT and more.

In addition to Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow, Santa Barbara Public Library is hosting a workshop at 10 a.m. Feb. 20 for veterans who might be transitioning to a civilian job or looking for a new one. The workshop will be led by County Veterans Service Officer Joseph Fletcher, a veteran himself.

Topics include: translating military skills to civilian/corporate speak, tips on avoiding or best conversions for acronyms and figuring out how to articulate what the veterans did in the military and how it can relate to the job they’re applying for.

JobNow/VetNow is currently available to all patrons and can be accessed on the library’s website at santabarbaraca.gov.

Patrons can also register for the Feb. 20 workshop on the library’s website.

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