Make learning easy with Brainfuse HelpNow, a free library eResource that offers an online Language Lab to help you in your studies.
Trying to learn a new language at home or through school? Make learning easy with Brainfuse HelpNow, a free library eResource that offers an online Language Lab to help you in your studies.
Check out this language vocabulary builder to get flashcards, games, quizzes, and spoken pronunciations for a wide variety of new languages. Each language offers modules that provide an extensive selection of lessons to help you learn and study new terminology.
Languages offered include: Spanish, French, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, and Swedish. Get live Spanish-speaking support by connecting online with a Spanish-speaking expert tutor every day from 2 to 11 p.m.
Brainfuse HelpNow is on-demand, anytime, anywhere eLearning for a variety of subjects. Log on with your library card today to view how easy, intuitive, and engaging it is for a wide range of ages and levels.
— Kathleen L., Collection Management Librarian