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Fairmount Library shares new job search tools

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fairmount library announces new job search resource, wraps up summer reading

The Fairmount Community Library recently announced a new online resource focusing on skill development, job search assistance and test prep.

Brainfuse Job Now is available on the library website at fairmountlibrary.org/job-resources.

This tool contains self-assessment and job search tools, resume assistance, and live interview prep and practice.

Free resources such as online tutoring for students, writing labs and an adult learning center, standardized test prep – ACT, SAT, GED, college placement exams and more are also available.

This resource was paid for by the Onondaga County Adult Literacy Grant.

“We were so excited to receive this grant, and had originally planned to offer services in the library,” said Brenda Shea, director of the Fairmount Community Library. “When COVID hit, we retooled our outreach plan to reach job-seekers via free online resources on our website. We are proud of this new online service and know it will help adults and students in our community.”

The lirbary also recently wrapped up its first-ever Summer Reading and Learning Program in a virtual world.

While libraries have always had materials, resources and programs available, programming has had to change and adapt during the COVID pandemic. Libraries are uniquely positioned to respond to the community at times such as this.

During the months of July and August, Fairmount Community Library educators prepared summer learning kits for patrons which were available for curbside pickup.

This ensured that families could follow along with educational videos offered on the library’s Youtube channel. In addition, the library had a booth at the Camillus Farmers Market on Monday evenings throughout the summer.

Children and families visited the booth, safely with masks, and presented their summer reading journals. Each child was able to choose a prize weekly as an incentive to continue their summer reading activities. Attendance doubled as families participated and arrived weekly at the library to pick up their kits.

“Many libraries right here in our community have truly stepped up to provide much more for families during COVID,” Shea said. “The kits our library educators prepared for our lessons provided fun, hands-on learning. We sent home caterpillars, bottle rockets, materials for cooking, supplies for rainforest slime, and even adopted Annie, a manatee from Florida Manatee Sanctuary to teach children all about animal conservation.”

The Fairmount Community Library plans to increase special programming during the fall season to help parents who choose to homeschool or who participate in hybrid learning.

by Jason Gabak August 25, 2020 in News, Press-Observer

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