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Otis Library – Our commitment to serving the community is still here

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Bob Farwell, For The Bulletin

Few among us have not felt the impact of Covid-19. It has insinuated itself into our daily activities and has disrupted and redefined normalcy. The status quo changes on a daily basis. As W.B. Yeats pronounced in his poem “The Second Coming” https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43290/the-second-coming it sometimes appears that the center cannot hold.

That is not true at Otis Library.

Changing circumstances means adapting and providing services at a “social distance.” While onsite access to the library is unavailable it does not mean that our commitment to serving the community has taken a hiatus. For library card holders there is uninterrupted access to e-books, downloadable audiobooks and a variety of online magazines. http://www.otislibrarynorwich.org/downloadables. For those cardholders interested in genealogy, Ancestry.com is available, on a temporary basis, from the Otis Library home page www.otislibrarynorwich.org. You will also have access to Pronunciator, our language learning tool and JobNow! An excellent career center with advanced virtual technology to help job seekers. http://main.otislibrarynorwich.clc.jobnow.brainfuse.com/authenticate.asp?

Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/otislibrarynorwich/ for frequent updates and links to programs and activities that help ease “library withdrawal.” There are numerous resources that help with working from home, and will inform and educate. Can we assist with a specific question? The library web site includes email contacts. We have updated our telephone message and list of extensions and we are returning calls. The library’s web site also includes timely messages that keep you apprised of our status. For those patrons who do not have easy access to the internet, our Wi-Fi network is available 24 hours a day and extends beyond the building.

We are living in interesting times, and Otis Library is here to help you. Use our available resources, follow Otis on social media and contact us. We are here to help and look forward to the day when we open the doors and welcome you back.

Bob Farwell is the executive director of Otis Library.

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