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While we’re closed, access the Library from home!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By PISCATAWAY PUBLIC LIBRARY

The Piscataway Public Library remains closed, but here are some tips for using the Library from home:

  • If our closure caught you without a library card, apply by phone or online for access to ELibraryNJ (OverDrive/Libby), Hoopla, RBDigital, and other digital services.  Call Kennedy Library at 732-463-1633 x5 Monday-Thursday, 10am-7pm or Friday-Saturday 10am-4pm or apply online any time (online submissions will be processed based on staff availability).
  • Try out ebooks and other downloadable materials – we’ve got everything from magazines to movies.  Call us at 732-463-1633 x6 if you need help getting set up!
  • Check out these ebooks from TumbleBooks – no login required!  They have children’s ebookschildren’s math booksbooks for teens and young adultsaudiobooks for all ages, and a romance novel collection!
  • Brainfuse offers free one-on-one tutoring, online flashcards, virtual meeting rooms, and more!
  • We’re postponing ESL and citizenship classes for the time being, but you can email Kate Baker to join a virtual ESL conversation group, or visit Brainfuse for at-your-own-pace citizenship exam preparation
  • Keep an eye on our FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for updates on the library and online resources to keep you busy, like a penguin-cam!  In the meantime, staff will be available by phone and email to answer your questions.
  • Haven’t had a chance to finish your current book?  The due date has been extended, so keep reading!  Our book drops are open, but we encourage you to stay home.  Your library card shouldn’t expire while we’re closed, either!

As always, we encourage you to turn to reliable, accurate news sources.  We’ve collected some resources covering COVID-19 here.

If you or a loved one are feeling overwhelmed with feelings like sadness, anxiety, or depression due to the COVID-19 crisis, please reach out to the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline:

  • call 1-800-985-5990
  • text TalkWithUs to 66746
  • TTY 1-800-846-8517

We wish you well during this time and look forward to welcoming you back soon.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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