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20 Years and Counting

After 20 years, Brainfuse is still excited to start the new school year. 

20 Years of Brainfuse

by Brainfuse

As Brainfuse enters its 20th year, we’d like to thank all of the students and institutions that we’ve served.

Though the Internet was in its infancy twenty years ago, we believed that it held the potential to connect expert tutors with students in a format that offered unparalleled reach, versatility, and convenience.  Millions of tutoring sessions later, this vision continues to guide us.

This past year, we experienced unprecedented growth in terms of institutions served and expansion of service offerings.  In addition to our flagship services- HelpNow and JobNow — we’ve continued to broaden our offerings to our library clients by introducing VetNow, a program focused on providing assistance to veterans. We’ve also added significant new features that enhance our higher ed offerings, such as identifying struggling students and providing them with powerful tools that help them address their specific needs.

We’re excited to launch many new features during the coming academic year and look forward to continuing to serve students of all ages.

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