A quick reminder about another of our online resources, this one is provided through our membership in the Arrowhead Library System.
by Diane Adams, International Falls Journal Guest Columnist
Thursday, March 19, at 1 p.m., the library is pleased to host Northern Gael in concert. This lively program weaves together the vibrant traditions of Ireland and Scotland in a variety of music styles with Ross Sutter providing vocals, guitar, bodhran and button accordion, Laura MacKenzie on wooden flutes, whistles, concertina, various bagpipes and voice and joined by fiddler/step dancer Danielle Enblom. This will be a great way to spend the afternoon.
The Value Line subscription has been continued for another year. The Value Line Investment Survey provides access to about 6,000 companies’ financial information, business prognosis and history. If you do any investing, Value Line is a wonderful resource available free of charge to International Falls Public Library patrons.
To access this valuable resource visit our website at http://internationalfallslibrary/resources.htmland click on the link for Value Line Expanded Survey. You will be asked for a user id and password. We have used the standard International Falls Public Library user id and password if you know those. You may also call, email or stop by the library for the access information.
A quick reminder about another of our online resources, this one is provided through our membership in the Arrowhead Library System. Brainfuse provides skills building lessons, live help for learners of all ages as well as resume and job assistance. Brainfuse may be accessed via the library website listed above, under the education subheading. You will need your library card number to sign in and create an account.
High school students can find test preparation for the SAT and ACT tests and get live help if they have areas of concern. Students can also submit essays and other writings and get a critique with constructive feedback within 24 hours. If you or your children are looking for some additional help on any number of academic studies, check out this valuable resource.
There is still almost a month to submit state and federal taxes. The library has plenty of state forms both income tax and property tax refunds. We have very few federal tax forms, in fact we only have a handful of Form 1040 remaining. The IRS did not send out any instruction books and when we tried to order additional copies of the few forms they did send, we were informed they were not taking any reorders. If you need forms, we can download them, print them and charge you for the printing. We have also printed copies of the instruction books that may be used in the library. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Library hours are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Thursday and Friday, 10 to 6; and Saturday, 10 to 3. Junior room opens at 10 a.m. each day and closes at 6 p.m. except for Tuesdays when the junior room remains open until 8 and Saturdays when it closes at 3 with the rest of the library. Our wireless access is available 24/7, as is our website.