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Fall in Love With Your Library Again!

Students can receive free tutoring through Brainfuse, and jobseekers can receive live assistance on resume writing and interview preparation through JobNow.

Santa Clara County Library District

by Gail Mason, Library Services Manager for Collections and Reading Services

For more than 100 years, Santa Clara County Library District has been the heart of the county, cherished by district residents such as yourself. Did you know that your Library has many services that may surprise and delight you?

Let us count the ways to LOVE your SCCLD Library:
Digital content: You can download thousands of ebooks, eAudiobooks, digital magazines, and music to your favorite devices, for FREE!
Tech ToolBars: Test drive digital devices and learn to use library e-resources through the Tech ToolBars currently available at Cupertino, Campbell, and Los Altos. Before the end of the year, the ToolBars will be launched at all Community Libraries.
Virtual Lawyers in the Library: Video conference with volunteer attorneys who can provide guidance on your legal issues.
Online Learning: The Library offers various free online self-paced learning resources. Expand your technical skills, such as coding and web development, through Treehouse. Choose from over 500 online courses by enrolling in Universal Class, with the ability to earn Continuing Education credits. Students can receive free tutoring through Brainfuse, and jobseekers can receive live assistance on resume writing and interview preparation through JobNow.
Document Scanners: Scanned documents can be printed, emailed, or saved to a USB drive.
PlaneTree Health Information Center. Access free health and medical resources under the guidance of a trained information professional at the Planetree Health Information Center located in the Cupertino Library.
ESL Conversation Clubs. Improve your English speaking and listening skills at a Conversation Club at your Community Library while chatting about American culture, life skills and current events.
Kits for Checkout. Parents can provide rich early literacy experiences with our Read With Me Kits, containing a fun and engaging assortment of books, a CD or DVD, a puppet or educational toy, and activity suggestions. Prepare for U.S. Citizenship by checking out one of the Library’s free Citizenship Toolkits, a collection of educational resources for immigrants. Do you belong to a book club? Keep your club members engaged by checking out a wide array of Book Discussion Kits, which include multiple copies of a popular title and discussion guide.
DIY Energy Toolkits. Would you like to save money on your power and water bills? Check out one of the Library’s free DIY Energy Toolkits stocked with supplies and measuring devices or Kill-a-watt meter that calculates electric usage and cost of household appliances.

These offerings only begin to describe the breadth and depth of the Santa Clara County Library’s services. Make a date to explore all that your library offers, and you’ll find yourself falling in love with your library all over again.

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