The product is called Brainfuse and offers online tutoring in a variety of subject areas that students struggle with.
by Madison College
The Libraries and Academic Support Services have launched its newest service for students – online tutoring.
The product is called Brainfuse and offers online tutoring in a variety of subject areas that students struggle with.
Our goal was to:
Expand service hours of support to late evening and weekends (in addition to traditional hours)
Offer regional and online learners immediate, ”right here, right now” support
Expand subject expertise
Top Twelve Points
1. Free unlimited live tutoring hours (for now) for available students.
2. Tutors are trained and certified by Brainfuse. All tutors have bachelor’s degree’s and around 80 percent have a masters.
3. Direct students to the Student Help Desk in our libraries for training and support.
4. The first time students use the product they must authenticate through Blackboard to receive their username and password. Once they have their login/password they can access it directly from the Library or Student Achievement Center (S.A.C) websites.
5. All levels of math support is available 24/7.
6. There is a collaboration tool for students to use. Files, sessions, etc., can be shared.
7. Tutoring support is available to Spanish speakers.
8. Students with disabilities can be accommodated, but we need to make arrangements for that.
9. There are other services included like test prep packages (TEAS, COMPASS and more) including professional certification exams.
10. The product has an app that works well.
11. This product is also mobile friendly.
12. Students sessions are automatically archived within their account so they can always go back to review the session.
All library and S.A.C regular staff members are trained to provide support. Here is the libguide we created that will provide you with a lot of good information about the product, access, technology support, etc.
Refer questions and support to the library extension 6640 or SAC extension 6637.