Do you need help with your homework or resume; want to polish your writing skills or learn a second language?
Thanks to the Okaloosa Public Library Cooperative, we now offer access to Brainfuse, a resource that provides free live tutoring sessions with experts.
by Marie Garcia | Crestview Public Library
Do you need help with your homework or resume; want to polish your writing skills or learn a second language?
Thanks to the Okaloosa Public Library Cooperative, we now offer access to Brainfuse, a resource that provides free live tutoring sessions with experts.
Here is a sample of topics that are covered:
- Live Tutor
- Resume Lab
- Writing Lab
- Send Questions
- Language Lab
- Live Interview Coach
To learn more about these features, create an account using the barcode on the back of your library card. Go to our homepage,, and click on “Electronic Resources.”
Scroll down and click on the “HelpNow” or “JobNow” icon to get started.
Marie Garcia is the Crestview Public Library’s assistant director.