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Everylibrary CLA Pre-Party Update

We’re really thankful that Brainfuse has agreed to sponsor our party with a generous donation. If you’re dancing to our DJ or enjoying our drinks that night, you should thank Brainfuse because they helped pay for it!


by pcsweeney

With just a couple of days until CLA, we’re excited to announce some new details about the EveryLibrary Pre-Party and Fundraiser this Friday, November 7th, at 8pm at the Oakland Main Library!

BrainFuse Sponsorship
We’re really thankful that Brainfuse has agreed to sponsor our party with a generous donation. If you’re dancing to our DJ or enjoying our drinks that night, you should thank Brainfuse because they helped pay for it! In case you want to thank them in person, they will be in the exhibit hall at booth 407.

Raising money for LGBT Roundatble
We purchased all of our appetizers for the party from Erin Berman who is raising money through a Bake Sale for the LGBT Roundtable. The GLBTRT serves the information needs of the GLBTQ professional library community, and the GLBTQ information and access needs of individuals at large. If you want to order something from Erin before the November 30th deadline, she has promised to bring order forms for anyone who enjoys what we’re providing at the party and wants more!

Counting Opinions Tickets
If you’re looking for tickets to the party, you should talk to Counting Opinions at booth 411. They are handing out some sponsored tickets at their booth on Friday night. Thanks for all your support!

Other Sponsored Tickets
We are also happy that some of our library community members have purchased tickets for their fellow librarians. If you would like to support EveryLibrary by attending our party but can’t quite make the ticket purchase cost, don’t worry! Just sign up here for our sponsored ticket guest list and we’ll get you on our guest list. If you are lucky enough to have a few extra dollars lying around you can use the same form to sponsor some librarians yourself and spread the joy!

The OPL Photobooth
There will be a photobooth for everyone in attendance. Get your photos with your friends and time together at CLA. You know how photobooths work!

The Music
If you’re wondering about the music at the event, it was coordinated by Sharon McKellar, the band will be Pomegranate featuring an amazing OPL employee and the DJ is Jamie Jams who does the party Last Nite (and used to do DEBASER, Sharon’s favorite party of all time).

Presidential Candidate JP Porcaro
You can also meet presidential Candidate JP Porcaro at the event. JP is running for ALA President and has decided to come out and party with his West (best) Coast friends. Ask him whatever you like about ALA, his presidency, or what you can do to get involved.

EveryLibrary Executive Director John Chrastka
You will get a chance to talk to the Executive Director John Chrastka about EveryLibrary and the great work that we are doing to win elections for Libraries as the first Library Oriented National Political Action Committee in the country!

Every librarian loves SWAG and we wouldn’t host a party without it. You can get one of our limited edition drink koozies or a shot glass only at the party!

Other Special Guests
We also have word that there will most definitely be other special guests and VIPs throughout the night. You don’t want to miss the chance to network, party, and celebrate our profession with California Librarians from throughout the state!

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