Online math tutoring, practice tests and skill-building exercises are available 24/7 from Brainfuse, Inc. to all enrolled PVC students.
by Palo Verde College
Online math tutoring, practice tests and skill-building exercises are available 24/7 from Brainfuse, Inc. to all enrolled PVC students. The Brainfuse SkillSurfer link has many practice tests and exercises in a variety of subjects. Practice skills or tests are available in the areas of Math, Writing, Reading, ESL and Microsoft computer programs.
Also, practice career preparation exams are available in twenty-three fields.
Accuplacer, GED and U.S. Citizenship practice tests are also available!
Click HERE to start!
How do I log in?
Your user name is firstname.lastname and your password is your student I.D. number (remove zeros in front of your student I.D.#) followed by your last name.
Example: Student John Smith with student I.D.# of 0012345 would be as follows:
Username: john.smith and Password: 12345smith Remember to remove all leading zeros in front of your student I.D.#!
Instructors: Please add this link to your course Bridge site or share with students:
Who can use it?
Any enrolled student can use the Brainfuse SkillSurfer practice skills and tests. To learn more about Brainfuse, see the last two paragraphs on this page. The online tutoring is only available for the subject of math and is available 24/7 to enrolled PVC students. Also, ask us about Skyping! One of our tutors may be able to tutor virtually using Skype.
Brainfuse tutoring service: When participating in a Brainfuse math tutoring session, you will meet virtually with a Brainfuse tutor who will help you understand the math concept with which you’re having difficulty. The math tutoring service is offered free to PVC students who may not be able to meet with a PVC tutor or need tutoring at times the campus isn’t open. Please have your question ready before logging into the service, as the college will be charged for the service. Please use our in-house math tutors first when possible. (Our in-house math tutors are available Monday through Thursday from 3-5 and at other times per request). Thank you.
The following two paragraphs are copied from the Brainfuse website with permission:
What is Brainfuse?
Brainfuse is based in NYC and for over a decade, has developed and provided virtual learning solutions for schools, colleges, universities, libraries, government agencies and individual subscribers. Our philosophy is anchored in adherence to high standards and user-centered technology to build a better educational experience for learners of diverse backgrounds. Brainfuse helps students reach their academic goals by connecting them with qualified eTutors anytime, anywhere. Students can also initiate and organize online meetings for peer-to-peer and instructor-led learning. Brainfuse learning platform gives power to students, instructors and administrators to manage outcomes better by streamlining the latest virtual learning technology.
Who are your tutors?
Brainfuse tutors are screened, trained, and managed directly by Brainfuse. Our tutors are recruited from a diverse tutoring pool and include a mix of professional tutors, retired instructors, graduate students and college faculty members. Only tutors with proven backgrounds in tutoring/teaching in their respective fields are hired by Brainfuse. Over 80% of tutors have a Master’s degree or a PhD in their field.