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Online Homework Help and More FREE!

Did you know that Redwood City
Public Library offers homework
help, for FREE?

Friends of the Redwood City Public Library

by Sarah LaTorra, Librarian

Did you know that Redwood City Public Library offers homework help, for FREE?
Are you worn out from homework arguments or late nights trying to help with lessons? For anyone with a Redwood City library card (starts with 29045), help is one short computer click away.
Send students from kindergarten through college to Brainfuse, an online tutoring service. Does your student need help completing an assignment, understanding a concept, writing a paper? If so, Brainfuse may be your answer.
Brainfuse’s Homework Help offers the ability to interact with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests. Plus, Brainfuse offers a 24-hour writing lab to submit essays and other forms of writing for constructive feedback. Students also can access the skill surfer to improve their grades in many different subjects.
Homework live tutoring is available 1:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. every day!
Brainfuse offers adult assistance too through its Adult Learning Center!
Are you interested in learning MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint? Do you need tips and resources to start your job search? Would you like assistance writing a resume? Perhaps you need to prepare for the high school equivalency (GED) or the U.S. citizenship tests? If so, try out the free tutoring services through Brainfuse’s Adult Learning Center.
Brainfuse is funded by Friends of the Redwood City Public Library.

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