Brainfuse offers a variety of services that are necessary for our students. One-on-one tutoring, writing assistance and resume help are just the beginning. All our patrons need is a library card.
by Brookhaven News Herald
Longwood Public Library (LPL) Director Suzanne Johnson announced today that the library’s Young Adult Services Department took top honors in a national video contest.
The contest was sponsored by Brainfuse, an online homework help and learning service which the library offers to its patrons. Libraries that subscribe to Brainfuse were invited to create a short video promoting its use.
LPL’s Young Adult Service Department took up the challenge, using the resources of “That Library Show!”. “That Library Show!” started production in 2010. Episodes are
produced each month by the Young Adult Services Department in conjunction with theLPL’s filmmaker and editor, Librarian Carlton Welch. Teen cast members highlight events and programs while they deal with anything and everything to do with teens and the library. Cast members are Phil Rossillo, Michelle Joseph, Katie Brownfiel, Devin Sandoval and Sophia Fellenz.
The winning entry will receive a prize of $1000 and a $100 iTunes gift card. Library Director Suzanne Johnson has indicated that the prize money will be used for teen programming and materials.
“We are so excited that our video was selected by Brainfuse to represent their service,” Young Adult Librarian Jan Miller said. “The video really explains which services students—teens, children and adults—can find there. It offers invaluable help to
students of all ages.”
Ms. Johnson said, “Brainfuse offers a variety of services that are necessary for our students. One-on-one tutoring, writing assistance and resume help are just the beginning. All our patrons need is a library card.”
Brainfuse provides online academic support to libraries across the nation, through three similar services:
HelpNow, a complete tutoring system consisting of tutoring, collaboration, and
study tools.
JobNow, one of a kind career assistance that covers all major aspects of job
Adult Learning Center, live tutoring designed for adult learners.
These services are available to Longwood Public Library cardholders via the library’s website, Brainfuse is a shared service that is offered by all the libraries in Suffolk County and is also accessible at
Longwood Public Library serves a community of 65,000. The library is currently located in temporary quarters in the King Kullen Shopping Center in Middle Island, while the library building undergoes a major transformation. The renovated building will include a brand-new, spacious children’s room and expanded space for adults, as well as a large dedicated teen area.
The winning video has been uploaded to the library’s YouTube channel.